Thursday, February 20, 2020

Linguistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Linguistics - Essay Example The article under study reveals critical data and additional information on all aspects of English as second language (ESL) and language in education across United States. There is significant cultural diversity which is reflected in demographic distribution across various states and subsequent disparity in languages spoken by the population. According to the data from United States Bureau of Census, it is evident that there is substantial pattern of bilingualism in which the better part of the population is caught between their native language and English. Spanish and Portugal have remained the commonly spoken language which reflects increased immigration of South American and Caribbean into USA. There are other languages spoken by the multicultural minority community in the US when they are at home or areas of their ethnic dominance (Finegan and John 280). Investigation and analysis of this article therefore puts it clear that English is considered second language by a larger propo rtion of United States population. It is important to note that from the time of Theodora Roosevelt, the government stepped up campaign for multiculturism and unity through one common language which is English. This means that various immigrant languages were to be spoken but English remained the symbol of national unity. The consequences of poor mastery of English by immigrants ranged from social interaction challenges to economic obstacles. However, research still indicates that most of the immigrant communities still speak their languages at home even as they seek to shift steadily to English. In a bid to ensure that English became national language, the curriculum and general education sector was structured to be executed in English. In this respect, any child in United State that seeks to seek higher education is compelled to understand

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Employers nd Collective Bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employers nd Collective Bargaining - Essay Example Th Europen ocial charter, convention for baic right nd freedom nd th number of work of convention from International 87,98 nd 151 nd 154 are mot importnt. Th traditional model of th ocial relation of public ervice however wa prone to deep chnge during th lat decade. Th tendency wa toward th collective bargain, put in parallel by decentralization by determining th term nd general term of employment, of a legal framework reembling that of th private ector nd th identification of th right of trade union nd th right to trike (Bach, 1999,21) n importnt matter in ocial relation of public ervice wa th point to which th collective bargain i centralized or decentralized. Th general tendency i the lat year toward decentralization. n importnt argument in favour of decentralization i that it leave more flexibility thn th ytem centralized in term of profeional ituation, regional nd local pecific of job market. (Boaert, 2001,22) while thi cn increae th effectivene nd th effectivene in public ervice, it cn alo lead to fragmentation (Dell 'Arringa, 2001; Farnham nd Horton, 2000). In practice, th collective bargain in public ervice neithr i completely centralized nor i completely decentralized in ny Member State within th EU. Centralization nd decentralization often go hnd in hnd. Th centralized apect often refer to a certain form of central order, uch a limit of budget impoed by th Britih treaure. In th countrie with ytem of public office of career, thre i a degree more raied of centralization thn in th countrie without uch ytem. However, in th majority of th countrie, of th combination of th centralized nd decentralized negotiation are found. Within th EU, three group of country cn be ditinguihed. Th firt group contain countrie where th collective bargain i mainly centralized nd decentralization i limited. Th econd group contain countrie with th decentralized collective bargain. nd th third group contain partially centralized/decentralized collective bargain, but where th mot importnt negotiation take place with ectoral or at th regional level. (Boaert, 2001,22) Centralied collective bargaining In Frnce, one centrally conclude Germny, Greece, Autria nd Portugal, pay rie for th whole public ervice. In Spain, although not truth for th civil ervnt, remuneration of th contractual employee i negotiated by each minitry or department within central adminitration. nd with RU, th wage for th public employee are mainly centrally given in th National ervice of Health (NHS) nd th local government. In Frnce, th ytem ued to determine th baic alary of th civil ervnt i th ame one for five million civil ervnt. In th French ytem, each poition in a category equalize a certain number of point on th index of wage (indicial of grill of). Th baic nnual alary of a civil ervnt cn be calculated by multiplying th index of th category of th civil ervnt with th money value of a point of index. Th negotiation of wage relate to primarily negotiation in increae in money value of th point, implying a general pay rie. (Dell 'Arringa, 2001,87) In Germny, th determination of wage for th civil ervnt alo i very centralized. Th Federal law